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Savitri Devi 19th April 2018 Written Episode Update

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The Episode starts with Gayatri asking Veer what is this misbehavior as he throws his shirt on her. Veer says it is better than what you have done. Savitri tells Veer that everyone is done by Jaya. Veer says why a mother will do such a thing with her daughter. Savitri shouts at Veer and tells that Gayatri has done so much for the house. Veer tells Gayatri that he knows that she is behind the cheap conspiracy. Gayatri smirks. Veer tells Sanchi that he has made the food. Sanchi says she will serve the food. Veer says I will set the table. Sanchi and Gayatri come there. Savitri says son is doing house work now and asks Sanchi if she wants to humiliate them. Sanchi says sorry and asks Veer to stop and she will do. Veer tells that they were both equally responsible and tells that I didn’t marry to get
my wife work in kitchen. He says she is a bahu and that’s why she works in kitchen, but she is busy for next 6 days as she has exams and that’s why I will help her in her work and nobody can stop me, not even Sanchi. Savitri says you will argue with me for her. Veer says I am just fulfilling my duty.
Gayatri asks Savitri to come and take her with her. she tells that tomorrow is baisakhi and Sanchi has to keep the fast, but don’t know if she will keep or not. She tells Savitri that Sanchi has become Servant to Veer and asks her to have food. Savitri makes Gayatri eat with her hand. She tells that Sanchi has to fulfill all the duties of a bahu and keep baisakhi fast. Gayatri makes Savitri have food and smirks.

In the room, Veer and Sanchi are in the room and stop each other from coming closer thinking about Jaya’s condition. Sanchi is studying in the room. Veer couldn’t get sleep and is about to go. Sanchi says you can sleep on bed. Veer says if I sleep here, then my heart will want to get closer to you and hug you, I have promised Jaya Maa not to get closer to you, and says it is just a matter of 6 more days wait.
Next morning, Veer looks for Sanchi and sees decoration work going on. He thinks why decoration is going on. He sees Sanchi in kitchen and asks her to go and study. Sanchi says she is doing both things together and gives him tea. Veer asks about decoration. Sanchi says today is Baisakhi. Sanchi says I am happy to help you a bit. Savitri comes and taunts her. Veer says she don’t have time for the talks. Savitri asks her to keep fast, do puja and other stuff. Sanchi says I have kept fast, but I didn’t know about the fast. Savitri asks her to keep nirjala fast and then join them in farm for the puja. Veer tries to refuse. Savitri asks her not to refuse. Veer asks Sanchi why did she keep the fast. Sanchi says this is my first Baisakhi and that’s why I have kept fast. She says she will ask Maa to give her off. She comes to hospital. Jaya tells her that she has given Dr. Kabir and her work to someone else.
Sanchi tells about Baisakhi fast. Dr. Kabir asks how can you take it lightly. Sanchi says both things are important for me. Jaya asks them to study for now. Dr. Kabir thinks I will not let Sanchi take the exams lightly. Veer’s friend ask him to have food. Veer refuses. He gets wedding card and checks. He comes to know about Jasleen and Harman’s marriage and thinks to inform Sanchi. Dr. Kabir asks Sanchi to have food. Sanchi asks him to have food. Dr. Kabir says if you don’t have food then from where you will get strength.

Sanchi says I have kept this fast for my love and my love will give me strength. She asks him to have food and goes to side to call Veer. She asks him if he have food. Veer says he ordered food and got it also. Pragya says he is lying and it seems he is keeping fast. Sanchi says you will get head ache if you don’t have food. Veer says he can’t have food. Pragya goes to check patients. Veer says I wish I could spend time with you, but I can’t come, else Sasumaa will make us wear alarm band. Sanchi smiles and says it is matter of 6 days. Veer says it is fun to wait and when we meet after 6 days then it will be special. Sanchi says yes. Dr. Kabir gets angry and thinks sanchi is wasting her time. Ria hears them and thinks they didn’t have their first night till now and thinks to inform Gayatri. Veer tells Sanchi about Harman and Jasleen’s marriage.
Sanchi tells that she will go for Puja, but Dr. Kabir stops her. Veer comes to farm to do the puja on behalf of Sanchi. All ladies are surprised.
Update Credit to: H Hasan

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