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Nimki Mukhiya 20th April 2018 Written Episode Update

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Scene 1
Nimki says this girl should be punished. anaro says shut you. A woman says she took the guy my daughter was getting married too. Other woman says he later liked my daughter, Nimki says get both girls here and ask the guy who he wants to marry. Sweeti says you keep quite. Dadi says nimki is right. Nimki says parbatiya give me one coin. She gives it to nimki. Nimki says have you all seen sholay? This coin will be tossed in the air. She spins it. Nimki says its tail. The guy is of first woman’sd aughter.
Nehar and his men shout against Tettar and in favor of Kundan. Nehar says kundan deserves the ticket. With your support prove that he is your minister. Kundan says you all know the atrocities Tetar did on you all. Diamond comes with his boys. A man says Tettar got Nimki married
to his brother. A man says to Kundan get down. Why are you standing up. Kundan’s man hits him and says how dare you touch him. All people start fighting with each other.
Babbu nimki and ritu are on their way. RItu says there are fights in ghat tola. Babbu says will go there and shoot everyone. Ritu says you can’t do that everytime. Babbu says then go yourself. He stops the car and leaves. Nimki says how will we go now. Nimki says to babu please dont’ be angry. Please come. Ghat tola is my family. Please come. We will show tettar how much can you handle the people. Tettar will be so proud. Ritu says lets go. Babbu comes back to car.
Tune comes and says Nehar and Tettar’s men have fought. they have hit Ismail as well. Rma says lets go.
Babbu ritu and Nimki come there. Ritu says they are hitting your people nimki. Babbu comes nad says nehar what is all this. Nehar says you sent your people here to do all this. Ram comes and stops everyone. Nimki says stop. Ram says Ismail is injured. Please stop all this. Nimki sya sstop everyone. Stop this. I am mukhiya. People keep fighting. Nimki says stop this. Nimmi says enough. Kundan don’t shake hand with this nehar. he is making you do all this.
Nehar says what about your father in law Tettar? He has killed andd hit so many people. Ram is slave of Tettar. Tunnee says shut up. Nimki says don’t forget my papa has served this village mmore than you people. he served them all every time. Even when you fell you fell.
Tettar made a relationship with us. Why? because he is down to earth. Babbu said I love you to me too. Don’t listen to this Nehar. Ram says if Tettar was a bad man would he have married Nimki to babbu?

Precap-Babbu comes and sees Nimki wearing Tune’s hand. He says would you stau here like this or come with us? She says are you jealous. He says no I know he’s your friend. SHe says he is my ex.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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