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Ishq Subhan Allah 17th April 2018 Written Episode Update

Scene 1
Zara is making kheer. Ayesha says its smells nice. Alina wants to taste it, Ayesha says first guests will taste it. Zara says dont worry, I will give you share. Zeenat comes there and says guests are coming, Zara go and get ready. Ayesha says she is right, they leave. Zara gets done with kheer and leaves. Ruksaar comes in kitchen, she sees salt bottle and mixed the whole bottle of salt in kheer. Kabir comes there so Ruksaar hides salt bottle, she asks if he needs anything? Kabir glares at her and says I wanted to come for water, what are you doing here? she says just cleaning.
Alina is taking kheer. Zara comes there and says Alina? Alina says I just wanted to taste it. Zara pours it for her and asks her to go in her room and eat, I wont tell anyone. alina says love you and leaves. Servant says to Zara that Ayesha is calling you, Zara asks to bring kheer.

Ayesha makes Zara meet guests and says I am jealous of myself for getting such a nice daughter in law. Guests say husbands can be lured with good food. Zeenat says we have heard she makes nice food. Kheer is brought there. Zara takes bowls and serves to everyone. Alina is running to her. Zara gives it to everyone. alina comes to her and whispers that salt was a lot in kheer I think by mistake. All eat kheer. Zara is tensed. Ayesha tastes it and says very nice kheer, all guests praise her. Alina says to Zara that I am not lying, there was a lot of salt in my kheer bowl. Ayesha asks Zara to bring more kheer.

Zara is going to kitchen and thinks I gave bowl of kheer to Alina and it had salt then why other bowls didnt have it? She comes near kitchen and sees Kabir shouting at Ruksaar, she hides and hears them. Ruksaar says sorry to Kabir. Kabir says if you ever do it again then it wont be good, you wanted to insult her by mixing salt in it, its good that I caught you and changed kheer in time, what if guests had eaten that kheer? just remember one thing clearly that she is my wife and this house’s respect and if respect of house is tarnished that nobody would be bad than me. Zara is shocked to see him standing for her. Ruksar says what wife? you even know about marriage? you can show anything to world but I know your bedroom story. Kabir grunts Ruksaar! he glares at her. Zara sees all this and thinks.
In morning, Zara is sitting by window. She recalls Kabir’s words that she is his wife. Alina comes to her and says I got to know that Kabir changed kheer, your husband saved you.. sorry, Kabir told me to not tell anyone. Zara says I wont tell anyone.
All family members sit for breakfast. Ayesha says Zara you were looking really pretty, all guests praised you. Kabir comes there. Zara says let me give you breakfast, she takes plate for him and fills it, he is surprised. He takes food from her and leaves. Zara says to Ayesha that Kabir and me.. I mean I want to eat.. Ayesha says wife should eat with husband, go. Zara takes her food plate and leaves. Zeenat and Ruksaar fumes in anger.
Scene 2
Kabir is putting sheet on floor to eat, Zara comes there and sets her plate too. Kabir says why you are taking pain, you can eat on dining table in room. Zara says if I wanted to eat on dining table then I would have eaten with family, I have to give you something. She gives him an envelope and says I got these gifts in kheer ceremony. Kabir says why giving me? its yours. Zara says this is for sweets shop from where Kheer was, he was praised a lot, you brought good kheer go give it to him, Kabir smirks and takes it. Zara says thank you for saving me from insult. Kabir says I didnt want people to make fun of my mom, it would have hurt me. Zara says you might have for mom but it saved me so thank you. Kabir says so you are eating with me to give back debt. Zara says I listen to my heart, my heart said to eat with you but you have problem with that. Kabir says I just asked a question and you started fighting. Zara says I was just answering. Kabir says I know you can fight for life, eat now. Zara glares at him.
Ayesha serves kheer to Shahbaz and says Zara made it. Kashan says you look really happy. Ayesha says did you see the way Zara set Kabir’s plate, Kabir have been alone but now their gap is lessening, I think they should go out to spend sometime. Shahbaz says you are right, he asks Kashan to prepare for their honeymoon. Alina says they can go to Kashmir. Shahbaz says good idea. Ruksaar and Zeenat are stunned.

Zeenat throws things in kitchen. Ruksaar asks her to listen. Zeenat says I told you that you are trusting wrong person, Shahbaz is a person that can use anyone for his advantage, he got them married and now sending them to honeymoon and you cant see all this.. you think after all this he will help you? you are cheating yourself. Ruksaar says he promised me. Zeenat says when he will fulfill his promise when those two young bodies enjoy honeymoon in Kashmir alone. Ruksaar enough, I cant let Kabir go, they cant be one, they hate each other and even if they stop hating then my hate would never let them be one.
Ayesha comes to Zara and says I am very happy, the way you set Kabir’s plate made me believe you are right for him, since he cameback, he eats alone on floor, I have joints pain otherwise I would have sat down with him but now you are with him so you will make him eat, you will be his partner. She says relations are made for life, husband and wife fight but dont have too much gap between each other that it becomes unbearable, stop finding badness in other but start finding goodness. Ayesha asks Zara to pack her bags, you and Kabir are going on honeymoon as my gift. Zara is stunned.

PRECAP- Kabir sees Ruksaar hinting at Shahbaz. Kabir says to Shahbaz that which game you and Ruksaar are playing? I understood everything in one moment.
Zara says to Ruksaar that I have started dreaming about Kashmir, those lovely mountains, beautiful trees and Kabir’s togetherness, it would be so romantic.. she turns and is stunned to see Kabir glaring at her.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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