Bhabhi Ji Ghar Par Hai 13th April 2018 Written Episod Update

A programme held to praise vibhu,anu addresses everyone,anu says let me begin with praises,Vibhu is the best husband in the world,tiwari says nonsense,anu says since the day I have married him he has never allowed me do any single house hold and he is my sweetest husband.
Anu invites angoori on stage,angoori says I will talk about him in English,anu says ok I shall translate it for everyone,angoori says he is horniest person,anu says she meant honest,angoori says he always corrupts me,anu says she means corrects,angoori says he is over all impotent man,anu says she meant important.malkhan says she speaks such good English shame on tiwari.
Anu invites tiwari on stage,tiwari says what can I say about him,he is a diamond,wrapped in useless,in dung,and starts insulting vibhu indirectly,anu
Anu invites happu singh,happu says he is worst person and hopeless person in the world,if anyone says so don’t believe vibhu is loveable and very down to earth,so much that he has never worked and lives on wives income,he is very sweet.
Anu invites gulfamkali,vibhu asks why her,gulfamkali says hello everyone,vibhu is such a gentle man,he listens my music and watches my dance with so much pride and his language god he is so sweet he is the best package,anu says enough you may go now.
Anu calls tikka malkhan and tilu in stage,tikka says he is good person,malkhan says but at times shows true colours,tilu says society makes you do so,tikka says he is good man,anu says look they praised you.
Anu calls master bhup singh,he says Vibhu is good person but is culture less,anu says forget him.anu invites commissioner.
Commissioner says I’m not much into talks with him but he is nice man,anu calls saxena on the stage,saxena says he is source of my satisfaction,all get confused,saxena says he has a current and when he passes it to me,I’m on fire,anu says cheer up see they love you.
Vibhu in tears
Vibhu in tears
Next morning vibhu says baby look your fit and fine vibhu is here,anu says I’m so happy,vibhu says it’s your hard work baby,anu says do you really think so,vibhu says yes you were there for me,anu says now it’s your turn,its been a week you have done nothing I have done all the work,vibhu says I can understand,anu says no go work and house needs maintenance your fine now vibhu get back to life and before you get to work get me coffee.
Happu at tea stall says such bad tea,and yells at him and says cmon give me 500 or else I will put you behind the bars,saxena clicks his photo while taking bribe,happu asks what nonsense is this,saxena says you are nonsense when will you behave properly,you are the reason behind the disgrace of our country,happu slaps him hard.
Tikka says beautiful girls don’t look at us,malkhan says let’s go Delhi,tilu says we go Delhi to stare girls,seriously use your brains and both get in argument.tikka says enough look at that girl and all follow her.
Tikka about to talk to her,tilu says allow me,malkhan says hello madam where are you from you are so beautiful.she is none other then happu sister in law,she says now you three wait and stars whacking them,happu walks to them and says stop and asks her what’s wrong santosh,santosh says they were Eve teasing,happu says how dare you and starts hitting them.
Pre cap : tiwari says yes I got taxi and I’m looking for Driver,tiwari says you are my driver from today,vibhu thinks good my only moto is to be with bhabhiji.
Update Credit to: Tanaya
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