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Nimki Mukhiya 7th March 2018 Written Episode Update: Nimki Convinces Tettar To Play Holi In Village

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Scene 1
Abhi is looking at sarees in phone, Elena says I selected these for Ram uncle. Abhi says great. Aunt asks Abhi if it will be fine for palace people to celebrate holi in village? I dont think they will come. Abhi says I know Tettar’s drama, he will do anything for votes, Nimki’s this step will take her ahead.
Servant brings veggies dish to Nimki, Nimki says you people never make chicken, Nimki brings ghee and says I brought it from my home, you want it too? Servant makes face and says I dont want it. Nimki says dont talk to me like that, I am head of this village.. Nimki asks if she wants to go to village to play holi? Servant says no one is going there from palace, Mai said no, Nimki says what? but I promised everyone.
In village, villagers come to Ram and says
panchayat people have come to prepare for festival. They see Diamond looking over festival. Ram says you here? Diamond says Tettar sent me to look over work here. Ram says we will handle everything here. One villager says no palace person will come here. Other villager says no Nimki announced with Babbu that they will come here. Diamond says it was Babbu’s plan, Nimki just announced it. Tunee says it was Nimki’s plan, I am sure. Diamond says you dont know Babbu. Diamond says I am leaving, Mauha asks if he wants tea? Diamond says I have work and leaves. Tunee says dont worry, I will do all preparations, panchayat head says you take photos of festival.
Ram is tensed that palace people wont come. Dumri says dont worry, Nimki announced it and Babbu sent people here to get things done.
In palace, Tettar says to Babbu that this is your chance to become hero in villagers’ eyes. Ritu says I sent Diamond to prepare for festival in village. Babbu says Mai wont agree to go there. Ritu says lets ask Sweety to talk to her. Dublo brings wood sticks there. Nimki comes there and says you people are here? I thought its silent in house, if someone died? Rekha says who will die other than grandma. Nimki says no she will not die before seeing her great grandkids. Babbu coughs. Nimki asks why there are wood sticks here? Dublo says to prepare for holi here. Nimki says but you people said to not celebrate holi in palace, some relative died? Grandma says no one died, we will celebrate holi in this palace and you wont be part of it. Nimki says I thought you people wouldnt celebrate holi here thats why I announced to celebrate it in village, who will go to village now? Sweety says no one. Nimki says to Tettar that its about your respect, all are looking to see you there, people were praising Tettar for taking this step. Ritu says she is right. Nimki says if Tettar doesnt go then people will not trust you and not vote for you. Tettar says no, we are going, Babbu will go too. Babbu says yes. Grandma glares at them. Tettar says this is because of Mai, he says to Nimki that we will all go to village with or without Mai. Nimki thanks him.
Mai is angry and says Tettar just listens to Nimki. Rekha says he agreed to go to village. Rekha says my family will send gifts, she sees sarees in room and says who sent them? Ram must have sent it, its very cheap, he doesnt have standard to send good gifts. Sweety laughs and says this came from your family’s house and you are calling it cheap. Rekha says we will go to village? Mai says I dont care if Tettar goes or not but Nimki will not play holi here. Rekha says we can lock Nimki in her room and wont be part of our celebrations, we can lock and hide key of lock so nobody would be able to open it. Servant brings gifts and says Ram sent it for holi. Mai asks her to get lost. She throws Rekha’s family gifts too.
PRECAP- Ram calls Nimki and says I thought if we are sending gifts to your inlaws for first time then we should send something for their standard. Nimki says I have standard too. Rekha and Mai locks Nimki in her room. Nimki thinks holi celebrations will start soon. Rekha says to Mai that she wont be able to come out of room now.
Update Credit to: Atiba

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