Kundali Bhagya 14th March 2018 Written Episode Update

Preeta looks around for Prithvi in the way. He tells her to relax as she is there. Preeta only focused on finding Prithvi and tells him to do it as well. She blames Karan for hitting Prithvi, she has heard his conversation with Shrishti. Karan doesn’t accept it but Preeta says she heard Shrishti appreciating him for stirking Prithvi’s face. Karan says when Preeta left, Shrishti said Karan can’t hurt Prithvi deliberately; only Preeta doesn’t understand how nice he is. Preeta says even if wasn’t deliberate it was his mistake, he is professional player and could have saved Prithvi. Karan says Prithvi is an idiot, he couldn’t save himself from a ball during fielding; and there he was challenging him. Preeta comes out of the car annoyed. Karan apologizes her.
Sherlin calls Prithvi who
Sherlin calls Prithvi who
In the car, Preeta tells Karan to focus on where Prithvi must be. Karan tells her to stop lecturing him now so that he can focus. Karan’s car broke down in the middle of way. Preeta considers it a joke initially, but he was serious as it won’t start. They come down to check, there was smoke from carburetor. Karan calls the mechanic, and tells him the location but his phone’s battery goes out. He asks for Preeta’s phone but she hadn’t brought it.
At farm house, Sameer tries to make Shrishti fearful by a ball. She wasn’t afraid but irritated. When Sameer comes out Shrishti says she and Preeta aren’t easily horrified. Their father told them not to be afraid until they see something terrifying through their eyes, and its spotted then they must face it. Sameer says he must be a sensible person with thorough experience of life. Shrishti tells him that she celebrated this first Holi without him. Sameer tries to cheer her up and reminds her how she got drunk on this Holi. Shrishti tries to leave but Sameer stops her. He asks her if she proposed in front of Karan while drunk, he is his brother and never lies to him. Karan initially thought she was proposing him, but she took the name of someone else. Shrishti asks Sameer what exactly Karan said. Sameer says it was some shorty, breeze of wind. Shrishti feels weird and angry over Karan for telling him. Sameer asks if its true. Shrishti denies and runs downstairs. Sameer was thoughtful that if it was a lie, Shrishti must have slapped him; but this shows she actually proposed him.
Downstairs, Shrishti was cheerful that she proposed Sameer and even accepted it. Sherlin passes by. Shrishti holds her hand and dances around but Sherlin jerks her hands off. Shrishti realizes it was Sherlin there. Sherlin asks the reason for her happiness, but Shrishti tells her to stay away from her when she is happy next time. Sherlin tells Shrishti that celebrations is done with champagne, not through this third class dancing. Shrishti calls Sherlin as down-market who is always boastful in front of her.
Karan insults Preeta for not carrying her cell phone. They have an argument with each other. Karan felt helpless and was irritated. Preeta tells Karan to wait for a while, the mechanic would come here. Karan was unsure if he has heard the address or not? Preeta suggests him to walk a bit, may be they find a mechanic half way. Karan likes the idea. Preeta boasts about her sensibility and use of brain. Karan holds Preeta’s hand flirtatiously then mocks her as there might be wild animals. Preeta says she isn’t afraid and can walk alone, but Karan roars like a lion. Preeta was terrified and returns to him. She then suggests Karan to push the car, it might work. Karan asks her to help him.
PRECAP: There is a promo of Zee’s new show
Update Credit to: Sona
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