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Kaleerein And Zindagi Ki Mehek Maha Episode 6th March 2018 Written Episode Update

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Mehek cooks at wedding venue tensely reminiscing terrorist warning to mix poison in food and kill everyone. Amaya walks to Nimmo and says she needs her help. Lady getting mehandi applied on her hands calls Mehek and praises that Mehek is an excellent cook and runs a restaurant with her husband Shaurya, they both failed terrorist attack recently. Terrorist look at Mehek from a distance. Lady asks Mehek also to apply mehandi. Mehandi designer asks Mehek what is her husband’s name. Mehek says Shaurya and walks aside saying she needs to cook, imagining people eating her food and dying and gets drowsy. Shaurya holds her. Lady asks what happened to her. Shaurya says she did not have breakfast yet, so she got drowsy. Terrorist warns them to get back to work.
Laali speaks to Silky over phone
praises about food and costumes in wedding, Mehek’s cooking skill, etc.. and suggests her to learn cooking like Mehek as husband’s route to heart goes via stomach. She sees Mehek’s relative passing by and strikes conversation with her. Lady fumes and says her sugar coated words are too good. Laali asks where is she going. Lady says to Mehek’s in-law’s house. Laali thinks she wants to see how Mehek’s in-laws behave with her, she insists to accompany lady. At Mehek’s house, whole family is tied to chairs. Grandpa starts coughing. Uncle requests terrorist to at least get medicine for grandpa. Terrorist says no. Uncle angrily frees himself and says he will get medicine even if terrorist kills him. Terrorist points gun on his forehead and is about to shoot when lady and Laali knock door. Terrorist stops. Laali says let us ask neighbors where they have gone. They hear grandpa coughing and get suspicious.
Shaurya takes care of Mehek and consoles her. Terrorist warns them to get back to his mission and not waste them. Shaurya tells Mehek he is feeling helpless. Vivan calls him and says he is in India in Hoshiarpur. Shaurya says his mom told. Vivan praises Shaurya that he tasted success so soon and sensing Shaurya’s tension asks if everything is alright. Junior terrorist comes and asks Shaurya to switch on speaker. Shaurya says sometimes life punches them and throws them in a corner, he does not know what to do. Terrorist leaves. Vivan says he knows problems occur in business and suggests him to use reverse psychology. Shaurya tells Mehek same and says he doe snot know what to do. Mehek says she has a plan.
Vivan thinks how to befriend Meera and know secret about bangle. He hears Amaya shouting in living room and rushes down. Dolly pleads Amaya to let them arrange Meera’s engagement here. Amaya says they should book a hotel or wedding hall. Dolly and Biji plead. Amaya says it is their problem. Meera watches and thinks if Amaya became like her brotehr. Vivan stops her and says they are tensed and says they are too tensed, apologizes Dolly and Biji for Meera’s engagement and other rituals at home. Amaya happily signals them and they silently walk away smiling. Meera realizes it was their plan. Vivan thinks Meeera will marry and go away, before that he will find out bangle’s secret from her. He goes up. Amaya asks if he will not attend wedding. Vivan what was she doing. Amaya smiles.
..... Will Be Continued Soon
Update Credit to: MA

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